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How I lost my Twi-Virginity: A confession

The Danger Magnet
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I was at a school rally back in October of 2008 when a friend suddenly blurted out, "I'm reading this book called Twilight. I can't put it down and I can't stop thinking about it. It's 8 bucks at Target."

My frugality kicked in-- 8 bucks at Target for a book that transformed this woman from cheer mom to giddy school girl in 1.2 seconds flat seemed like a fair deal. I raced to the store and picked up both Twilight and New Moon, just in case this series was REALLY that good.

The next week of my life rendered me comatose to my family as I put each and every obligation on hold to plow through all four books. I picked up Eclipse and Breaking Dawn in the middle of reading New Moon, because I couldn't be caught without the next beautiful black book in my hot little hands.

I raved about the series and delighted in each new friend who became as enamored as I was with Edward. The joke that "my kids ate cereal for a week while I read the Twilight series,".....um. yeah. No joke. That really happened in my household.

Twilight became my life, and as this blog suggests... still is. I rarely swear, but just thinking about Edward Cullen makes me say "Damm." Everytime. Damm Edward Cullen.

My most vivid memory occurred while reading New Moon. I was sitting buck-nekked in a flimsy paper wrap in the stirrups at my OB/Gyn office when the words October. November. December. January. slowly slipped through my fingers with each passing page. It set me into a tizzy and I began bawling, just as my OB knocked and entered the room.

Twi-Hards, Closet Twilighters, your secret is safe with us. How did YOU lose your Twilight Virginity? Spill it, sister....



I saw the movie at the theater the day it opened. I knew nothing of Twilight! All I knew was that it was a vampire movie. I really enjoyed the movie, but I had unanswered questions that I just knew the book would answer. So, I bought the book and once I started reading, I couldn't stop. I blew through the entire series, reading every chance I got (with a toddler that isn't easy). Then, I went through withdrawal after finishing Breaking Dawn. I could not stop thinking about the Cullens! So, for the first time in my life, I re-read a book! I ended up reading the entire series a second time and am on my 3rd round. And that is how I lost my Twi-Virginity.


I got the books for my daughter thinking she would like them, and OF COURSE she did! She kept trying to get me to read them, but I thought I wouldn't care because it was obviously a teen thing! WRONG! I took her to see the movie opening weekend and told her to give me the books NOW! I was hooked from then on...so I can even tell you the date I lost my Twi-Virginity, Saturday November 22, 2008!


I lost my Twi-Virginity only two weeks ago, recently 'bitten' I suppose. Very Happy

I have two young daughters, neither is really the target age for Twilight, so we had skipped the movie release, and I honestly hadn't picked up a book in years. Some friends on a hobby forum I am on had been going on about Twilight, so when the chance to pay-per-view it came up I bought it, now realizing I should have just went for the DVD first!

After watching the movie on PPV, I needed more, so I went and grabbed the DVD (3 disk special edition) and the first two books, that was friday the 3rd. By Sunday, I needed to get the next two books as I was fresh out of Edward, and had them finished by Monday morning, the 6th.

This afternoon I ordered the soundtrack, and am on pins and needles waiting for its arrival, I am hopelessly addicted, and have already started to read back through the books again, I can't believe how things got so far so fast, but I like it. Smile




I lost mine recently in February, A friend of mine told me about it, and my Aunt, who is only a year older than I. I picked Twilight up at Walmart, thinking "What's the big deal about Edward and the Cullens?" Well I read it, and was captivated and enraptured in an instant, it seemed. I might as well have been bitten! I couldn't get enough! I got swept right up in the story, and went right through the whole saga. Ahhh, wowwww, and then when I saw the movie after standing 5th in a long line at Walmart to get the DVD, I watched it, and have since seen it several times!!!Now I know why it's soooo addictive, but I'll save that for another topic. My young cousins, my stepdaughter, my aunt, wow. It's also my happy place since going through a divorce. My life will never be the same!! And that's how I lost my Twi-Virginity!



I had a VERY persistent best friend. She never gave up. I purposely avoided the “apple book” forever. My excuses: It was in the wrong section. I’m a classics lover, so it takes a REALLY good story to pull me away from my favorite novels. study No way the “apple book” can do that! Plus, her and the other crazies were reason enough to stay away.

So, when the movie came out, she begged and begged for me to go with her! I figured, “Fine, we’re besties. It’s what we do…support each others convoluted obsessions. Plus 90 minutes shouldn’t be too bad.”

The theatre wasn’t too packed. And there weren’t any die-hard tweens there?! Seriously?!…I thought this thing had a cult-like following? Ok, the movie starts and it’s tolerable. I wasn’t expecting much.

The scene that hooked me: biology class. I wanted to know what was wrong with him? Then the questions kept coming. I was intrigued. Why can’t he stay away from her? Suspect My bestie was getting very annoyed with the constant questions. I was curious, especially after she said there was alot more to the story….ALOT. Really??

So…I went home, broke down and finally bought the “apple book.” Ended up reading all 4 books in 3 days. And the rest is history. I added the books to my collection of favorites that I re-read over and over. And they’re slowly starting to match my other worn out novels. cheers



My daughter was talked into reading TW by a friend. "It's this story about a girl who falls in the love with a vampire, but he wants to kill her." My daughter's comment to her friend, "You have fun with that." She had zero interest. She finally opened the book when she heard it was going to be a movie and her friend just would not stop talking about it. I think after the first chapter she was hooked and had us running to the bookstore at all hours for the next books in the series ... and insisted on going to the movie on opening day. My 11-year old has read the entire series a few times, too (including MS).

It wasn't until I was sitting in the theatre on opening day that I gave TW even a passing thought. I expected it to be a teen movie, but I was suckered in immediately. I left the theatre and picked up TW when I got home. Read the entire series in 3 days ... and was totally hooked. My 14-yo thinks I am totally nuts still being so into it all. I've read MS and the out-takes. I've read the series at least three times. There is some great fan-fiction out there, but not as good as the real thing.

For reasons unkown, I just can't get enough of all-things Twilight. *sigh*

8How I lost my Twi-Virginity: A confession Empty I am 16 months into this...... Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:05 am



I bought 'Twilight' at Costco in Dec. of 2007. My husband had read about it in 'Entertainment Weekly' (to which we have a subscription--thank you very much) and mentioned that is sounded like something I would be into...so I got it. I read it and was most definitely hooked. I ran back out to Costco and bought 'New Moon' and 'Eclipse' and devoured them. My book club was picking our books for the year and I suggested we read 'Twilight' as we usually pick a YA book every year. No one liked the idea! I was crushed. I was so alone in my obsession--looking back it is kind of sad.

While waiting for 'Breaking Dawn' to come out I discovered the world of 'Twilight' on the internet and that they were making the movie, etc., etc. I became obsessed. I will never forget the day they changed the release from Dec. to Nov. 21st--I screamed out loud at my computer--Nov. 21st is my birthday! I remember telliny my hubby how huge this was going to be and he didn't believe me...ha!

'Breaking Dawn' came out and 'The Host' and I devoured those while in waiting for the movie. I was slowly becoming completely obsessed and I started re-vamping. My best friend, who is in my book club, decided to change our October book to 'Twilight' in my honor--ha! Everyone read and most loved it and I had a big "I told you so" moment.

I organized 10 of my friends to go see 'Twilight' on opening night. I was soooo excited. I set my expectations low and was pretty disappointed at many parts (like the severe lack of a true meadow scene--sheesh--how could they f@*! that up?) I went and saw it again that Sunday (my 15 year old nephew asked me take him--how cute is that?) and liked it better the second time around. I have liked it more each time I have seen it.

THEN, I caved and bought a Pocket Edward. Not only did I buy one to play with I bought one to keep in the package--what is wrong with me? I could go on and on and on......

OK, long winded me again. I thought things would die down but they have not and I find myself so invested and obsessed. I am so happy to finally find like-minded women on this site. I forget what I was even supposed to be writing about. Thank you for letting me blab.



WOW- this has been a LONG time obsession for you; that must've been a hard year waiting for it to come out!

I saw an interview with Kristen and Rob before they knew Twilight was going to be such a big deal. You can hear screaming in the background and they say "don't worry; that's not for us." Not too long after was Comi-con where they got the first taste of rabid fans... that was all way before I even knew what it was; I'm so behind the curve!




Admin wrote:WOW- this has been a LONG time obsession for you; that must've been a hard year waiting for it to come out!

I saw an interview with Kristen and Rob before they knew Twilight was going to be such a big deal. You can hear screaming in the background and they say "don't worry; that's not for us." Not too long after was Comi-con where they got the first taste of rabid fans... that was all way before I even knew what it was; I'm so behind the curve!

I remember that interview--how young and naive they were! You are the one with the blog PB--you are way ahead of the curve. I don't know how you have the time to do all this but I thank you. I feel like quoting Edward from the movie, "You don't know how long I have waited for you."--Ha! OK, I am cracking myself up now.



hahahahahah- I DON'T have time to do this- see the introduction where Shawna, by TwiBFF fronts me out. Smile

I'm a freelance writer, so I'm on the internet researching stuff all the time. I just end up slipping into Twilight mode 90% of the time, and save the other 10% to research real stuff at 2am. Needless to say, I'm a sleepy girl... a lot.


12How I lost my Twi-Virginity: A confession Empty How I became a Twilighter Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:08 pm

The Danger Magnet

The Danger Magnet

I first learned about Twilight from my Intensive Reading students. I teach high school, so I was bound to come across the books sooner or later. I first noticed it last spring. I kept seeing these girls who hated reading lugging about this big black book with red binding. When I asked what it was, this was the response I got: "You probably wouldn't like it -- it's about vampires."

Well, little did she know I loved vampires. I am an Anne Rice freak, so of course I had to read this book. I finally got around to it sometime in April of last year and the rest, as they say, is history. I devoured the first book in 24 hours and read New Moon and Eclipse that same week (Breaking Dawn hadn't been released yet at the time).

Now I go around converting other students and unwitting strangers to the awesomeness that is Twilight. I love you




I bet you are the coolest teacher EVER! Where were you when I was in school; my English teachers were always 70 year old bittys!

So as a teacher, what do you think of Stephenie Meyer's writing? (or is this a dumb question?)... do you think Stephen King makes any good points in his critique of her?

Thanks for confessing!




Maybe we should refer to it as 'Twiginity'--Ha!

The Danger Magnet

The Danger Magnet

Admin wrote:I bet you are the coolest teacher EVER! Where were you when I was in school; my English teachers were always 70 year old bittys!

So as a teacher, what do you think of Stephenie Meyer's writing? (or is this a dumb question?)... do you think Stephen King makes any good points in his critique of her?

Thanks for confessing!

Aw, thanks, PB! To answer your question (which is not at all dumb!), I do have problems with Ms. Meyer's writing at times. To be honest, when I first picked up the book, I kept wondering what the big deal was. I didn't think her writing was that great. But that was before Edward came into the picture, lol. So I had to reassess my opinion.

Do I think Stephenie Meyer is a good writer? No. Do I think she is a good storyteller? Yes. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. I've taught some great writers who can't write anything creative, and some very creative thinkers who can't write very well.

I think Stephen King was unnecessarily snippy with her. He's probably peeved as hell that her books are selling ten times more than his are at the moment, despite his being the better writer. But even he should recognize Meyer's gift as a storyteller.

Long response is long! Well, if you really want to know what I think of her individual books, I've reviewed them all here.

Ana Cristina




I think I told this before, but I'll tell it again here, where it actually belongs.

My mom was given the books by one of her work friends. She off handedly mentioned it to me one night, and I didn't pay too much attention to it. The next time I talked to her, she told me she had read Twilight in just a few hours (sitting in the bathtub no less!) and she texted her friend who had given it to her, "Ok, so I'm ready to run off with Edward and have his fanged children" because she loved him so much. I laughed because I thought it was cute she was so excited about something, and then she started telling me to read them.

I told her no thanks, because I was convinced it was just a "teen" book and I didn't even like teen books when I was a teen. I have always read books that are considered advanced, I just always liked them better and I've always been an avid reader ever since I knew how. I love romance novels, and I supernatural novels aren't really my thing, so I was convinced I wouldn't like it. My mom gave me the book anyway, and it stayed in the floor of the backseat of my car for weeks, along with my trash from Mickey D's and stuff (I can't believe I was so careless now!)

When I found out they were making a movie, I would send my mom little snipets of gossip I found online, and we even had a discussion of Rob playing Edward. We both agreed he wasn't that cute (this was before I'd really seen him, ok?) and maybe he would do a good job. My mom then got me and my sisters and brother tickets to go to the midnight showing of the movie with her.

I finally decided to read the book out of pure curiosity so I could compare it to the movie. I remember at bed time that night, I went out to my car and dug the book out of the mountain of trash and settled into bed to read. My mom had already told me a lot of the first chapter, and I realized by Chapter Two that I was hooked. I finished Twilight in about 3 hours.

The next day, I was beyond excited because I would be seeing the movie in a few hours, and it was seriously all I could talk about. Seriously, I was hoarse at the end of the day. I couldn't shut up.

I saw the movie that night, and loved it. Rob completely sucked me into the story, and I thought he did such an amazing job. After that night, I read all the rest of the books and I haven't looked back since!

I totally agree with Ana when she said that Stephanie Meyer isn't the best writer. When I was reading the books out loud to Jeremy, we both would laugh every time she used the word "impetuous" since she used it so many times. But I have never read another story that reached out and grabbed me the way this series did. She is a damn good story teller, and I hope that her writing improves as she continues in her career.



That is a fabulous story! Is your mom excited for New Moon to come out? What did she think of Twilight?

My mom read the series, as did my sister. It backfired. Now they just criticize Kristen Stewart for being a bimbo in the movie and Robert Pattinson for being sparkly.

It drives me nuts... reason number 17 why I'm a closeted blogger.




Yeah my mom is excited, but not as much as me lol. She liked the book better than the movie, which is normal I think.

19How I lost my Twi-Virginity: A confession Empty Me too! Me too! Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:42 pm


Let me say how much I love this sie, I dont feel like I need to hide my Lust for Edward or all of Twilight.

Mine didn't happen exactly like some of yours but I have all the same symptoms

I actually bite my husband in play, and as much at he loves how playful I have become, he still thinks I'm crazy.

My children keep saying, "you're reading it again."

My friend says I need Professional HELP and

I just cant get enough.

My local radio station started talking about the book so I had to read it. I got the first book and before the night was over I went back to the store and bought New Moon and Eclipse. I finsihed those in a matter of days, three to be exact. I was in a panic the movie had been out and seen three times before I even started reading. When I went back to the store Breaking Dawn was gone. I went to two other stores, and spent two days of lunch breaks looking. Finally I picked up the kids kissed my hubby off to work and went to the walmart an extra 10 miles from my house. Finally I had the final instalment. I could read what happend and I didnt put it down until I was finished.

I have read all four book many times sinse then, and still cant stop.

The biggest irony is that my favorite part that once read I began quoting to my friend is Edward's bitting of the pillows after the honeymoon.



Glad to have you! RAWR-- that is such a fabulous part of the Saga- we wait four books for some real action; biting pillows is about all the juiciness we get after all that, so I'll take it! Wink

Thanks for fessing up; come back and join us often!




I don't understand why my aunt, who told me I should read Twilight and the other 3, called me a Twilight obsessed woman when she was the one who "sired" me. Oh well, it has been a positive thing, I have this wonderful site, I've made friends on the internet that love it, and I'm aiming for fall semester in college. Twilight came along when I needed it to. Very Happy



Fall semester in college- with New Moon on the way? I have a straight A friend who let her grades lapse during the whole Twilight movie phenomenon. It was insane. She's finally back on track.

So just so you know now, keep those grades up and stay on task in the wake of New Moon and naked werewolves running around. I'm just saying...


23How I lost my Twi-Virginity: A confession Empty pregnany obsession Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:52 pm



So i discovered twilight by walking into a barnes and noble. I had made a mental note to read it b/c i knew a movie was coming. Then in Nov of 08 i saw the coverage of the twilight/rob patz cast tour to malls including my own dallas galleria mall. i said "well that looks like cedric diggory from harry potter and the goblet of fire - and well he's hot and looks like a bfd. so i picked up the first book on a monday 9am and didnt put it down until 2am tues. (the movie was coming out that friday)at that time i was 7 months pregnant, and i coughed it up to pregnancy induced obsession. so i go and get the next 3 books with no intention to be caught up in the media blitz but continued to read the rest of the books over the next week. and had finished the series the following monday. i saw the movie probably 6 times in the theaters. i would wake up on an off day of work, say hmmm im bored today im gonna see twilight, or re read a chapter. i embarrassingly enough tell people my new hobby and people excuse it b/c im a hormone crazy pregnant lady, but it was my husband who after listening to the books on tape with me decided i have an obsessive disorder. because my daughter is now 9 months old annnnnd, no meds can cure this hormonal disorder!


My Best friend was reading Twilight this past summer.. I saw the book and about fell to the floor.. I think my response was HOLY THICK BOOK! She offered to let me borrow it when she finished & went on & on about how great it was & that I too would get addicted. I graciously said no thank you I am not a book worm - I hate reading & thats a monster of a book there.. she then pulled out the remaining 3 books to show me Twilight was really nothing, the rest of the books were even thicker.. ! Needless to say, I purposfully stayed away from the Twilight Books & Swore them off!

About a month later I was home sick with my kids.. not feeling well we all deceided that we would watch a movie on demand. I wanted to watch Bride Wars & my 2 boys ages 9 & 11 wanted to watch Twilight- "it's a Vampire Movie Mom"! I had super low expectations and just figured I would suck it up for the kids sake. By the time the movie was over I was rather quiet & it began to resinate.. then I watched it again & again.. 3 times in one day.. I called in sick to work for the next 2 days & re-ordered it.. I am not even going to tell ANYONE how many times I watched & paid for that on demand! But it was ALOT! (I hid my cable bill that month from my husband)So on the 3rd day I called my Best Friend who had offered to let me borrow the books & asked her to bring Twilight to our Boot Camp Workout - she immediately says.. "ll bring you two - Twilight & New Moon".. I tried to tell her.. oooh no, I seriously doubt I'll get through Twilight, but she brought both, I read Twilight in less than two days & went right on into New Moon.. I went out & bought Eclipse & Breaking Dawn just before I finished New Moon & read all 4 in less than 6 days. Now I work full time as an Executive in my industry.. I was one tired business woman for about a week! I loved them so much that I also went & purchased my own copies of Twilight & New Moon.. I have since read the series an additional 3 times.. my husband thinks I am a complete NUT! I own the Special Edition Twilight Movie, I have the Sound track from Twilight on itunes.. I stalk all the Twilight sites & this is the first that I have really ever owned up to my secret obsession...

My Best friend thinks I am a complete nut.. she still hasn't watched the movie "Twilight".... I took my kids with a neighbor to see New Moon on opening day.. I felt like such a school girl - thank god I had kids to drag along with me! I will definately be owning New Moon when it comes out on DVD as well as the other movies as they are released!

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