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Team I like them both for different reasons?

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haha, honestly I can't really choose either one. I like edward, and I'm glad she ended up with him. However, besides being annoying in Eclipse, I think that Jacob brings out the best in Bella. They actually have conversations and fun, and they are best friends. Isn't that what romantic relationships should be based on, not some weird infatuation with a mysterious boy/someone who smells good and you can't read her mind? just some thoughts I had while reading the books



You just expressed EXACTLY why I'm Team Switzerland! Wink




Humm? Gotta go with Edward on this one. Something about him letting Bella go to see Jake, while knowing that Jake desired (lusted after) Bella so much. Edward was willing to risk his own happiness and comfort zone, in order to give Bella time with her friend, knowing that Jake would use it against him. Love means having to let go?

“some weird infatuation with a mysterious boy/someone who smells good and you can't read her mind”

Hey Lauren … you just described my Husband! I love you It was certainly some weird infatuation we had, and the scent of his pheromones drew me in like a moth to a flame. I didn’t have a chance! But, I really think I can read his mind, better than he can read mine!

4Team I like them both for different reasons? Empty Team Edward! Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:02 pm


I am writing these based on having to choose one team only! It would be Team Edward all the way. I agree that Jacob brings out good things in Bella, but that is her human form. She wanted to be a vampire from the beginning, so Edward was the right choice for her. But, I do love Jacob the more I read the books, but again if I had to choose one, it would be Edward. He is so sexy, beautiful, protective, dangerous, I love him!



It's Edward for me too, I believe his love for Bella is an everlasting one, and he waited for years for his true love/mate to appear in his life, and he fought the temptation of her scent, and her blood because he is sooo in love with her. It outlasts her love for Jacob, which in the long run, is a platonic feeling for him. And Edward, what can I say, is just her dream come true. Sounds like a fairy tale, but in a way, the Twilight saga IS kind of a fairy tale for grown ups, in my opinion. I love you

6Team I like them both for different reasons? Empty Not sure about New Moon Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:00 pm



Frankly, New Moon wasn't my favorite book. As much as I'd like to see the movie, the blatant lack of Edward will be too much of a void for me – I think. For me, New Moon was extremely depressing. I understood what the author was going after, creating the love (conflict) interest, angle. - preparing for following volumes – but I just keep thinking, when is this Jacob guy going to stop talking, so I can see what Edward was up to? I still remember flipping forward in pages, scanning for the word “Edward”, and thinking – I just have to hang on a little longer and get through this.
BUT … with all that said, Eclipse was my favorite. The dialog between Edward, Jacob and Bella was brilliant. I laughed so hard throughout that book, it was like my prize after enduring through New Moon. But without fully knowing the back story on Jacob, Eclipse wouldn’t of had the same impact. The brilliance would have been lost through interpretation.
I’ll see New Moon … but I’ll be thinking “where’s Edward”. And so help me, if Edwards scenes are all “flashbacks”, I’m going to vomit.



LOL- how else are they going to incorporate Edward into the movie?? I think ya'll are going to fall for Jacob! Wink I ADORE me a little hulky, bulky hot-blood to make the pain better!




“I think ya'll are going to fall for Jacob!” (I do hope your right)

Its not that I don’t like Jacob – his ‘hot blooded’ – ‘animalistic’ persona is seductive, but compared to Edward its lacking a certain Grace. There’s an eloquence to Edward where there isn’t with Jake. Jake has unbridled passion for her – certainly very compelling – but still lacking something. Not sure what I mean exactly .... don’t know if this makes sense.

I do hope your right about liking Jacob though. The director will certainly have to address the Edward faithful in the movie, while establishing and cementing the depth of Bella/Jacobs relationship in the minds of the fans. Sounds like a tough one to pull off … trying to please everyone.

We shall see. But frankly I’m skeptical.



....at the end of the day I think I am truly Team Edward. However, I do have a bumper sticker that reads "I am Switzerland" (it's not even on my car because, well, I haven't been brave enough to actually put it on since I am pretty closeted). I love Jacob--I love the whole idea of him but the allure of Edward always wins out. Who doesn't want a dangerous, smart, romantic, musical, slightly obsessive, totally hot, blood sucker for a boyfriend?

My friend, who is totally Team Jacob, always argues with me by saying, "Would you want a hot, steamy ding dong or a freezing cold, frozen ding dong?" (Hopefully PB will let this comment stay) Ha! Well, when you put it that way..... Oh, then I remember it is all fantasy after all, so I will stick with Team Edward.



Sweets last longer when you freeze them first, but sometimes you just need a quick candy fix... I'm just saying...




Thank for not making me clean up my content--now I know I can push the envelope futher perhaps? I love this forum--it is the best.



Sometimes I'm Team Edward. I mean c'mon...he's Edward freakin' Cullen! But, I really like-y Jacob. Can't help who you fall in love with. Plus that kiss outside the tent in Eclipse....whoa...H-O-T-T-N-E-S-S! Literally.




As is stated in the books, if there weren't supernatural creatures in the world and everything was normal, Jacob is probably who she would have ended up with.


Yes! I just posted a topic on Twilight Moms about which is your favorite book, and in some of the posts this came up about Jacob. One member wasn't groovin' with the whole Jacob/Bella thing. But, I replied the same thing, that he is who Bella would have been with had Edward not existed. That said, I still would choose Team Edward (but I secretly love Jacob, as well!) Oops, not a secret anymore! Rawr! Surprised Surprised

15Team I like them both for different reasons? Empty no such thing as swtizerland Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:05 pm



some breaking dawn spoilers in my explanation, so warning

sooo i am soooo against playing for both teams. aside from getting into some deep discussion on character flaws... i cant stand jacob, he is the most selfish creature on the planet with bella being a close second. looking back at being 17 i was probably delusional enough to think boys and girls can be friends even if there were other feelings being generated... anyone remember dawsons creek??? bella was ignorant to think she could be in love with edward and have a relationship with him... AND have jacob as her bff when she knew how he felt. selfish selfish selfish. but nothing beats jacobs act by imprinting on renesme. thats bs, imprinting bs. it was wrong, incestuous and creepy.

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