Pillow Biters/ Twilight Moonlighter Forum
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Pillow Biters/ Twilight Moonlighter Forum

Grab a drink, sit back, and mingle among Twi-friends. An extension of The Twilight Moonlighter: http://twilightmoonlighter.com

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Hello Everyone!! I'm new and I'm so glad I found this site!!!

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Hi everyone. I'm a recent Twilight addict, which isn't really a bad thing except that I feel so embarrassed about it because I'm a 42 year old married mom of 2. I definately feel like I'm in the closet. But I stumbled upon this site and was so happy to see other mature ladies similar to myself with the same addiction. I really was beginning to feel like there was something wrong with me. Like, get a life! I read some other posts from women and I would have to agree with them when they say their obsession is with Edward and the way he loves Bella. I am happily married and I know how much my husband loves me, but a part of me would love to be loved the way Bella is by Edward. I mean, who wouldn't. The story does rekindle the spark of first love and I don't know what it is about that that is so absorbing. Maybe it brings you back to a time in your life when all you had to worry about was being with your boyfriend. No other responsibilities. Since I've watched the movie about 2 month's ago, I've read and re-read all four books and have been online constantly looking up things. I also have developed a fascination with Robsten and I really don't know why. I have NEVER been one to be interested in celebrity and entertainment gossip EVER, but for some reason now, I'm constantly wanting to find out if they are or aren't a couple. What is wrong with me!! Did I mention that I'm 42 and I don't even have daughters to use as an excuse. Thank you for creating this place to share our feelings in a welcome and nurturing environment.

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